I had the pleasure some months ago to work into a book
cover for Harper Collins "Here in a Real World" from bestseller author
Sara Pennypacker. Unfortunately the cover wasn't published but I'm very
happy with the result so I would like to share with you all. I hope you
like it.
Aquest any he tingut el plaer d'il·lustrar el cartell de la 73ª
Fira de la Puríssima 2019 de la ciutat on visc, Sant Boi de Llobregat;
una de les fires més importants, si no la que més, que es celebren en
aquesta població. Ha estat tot un orgull poder-hi participar d'aquesta
year I had the pleasure to illustrate the poster of one the biggest
fairs where I live, Sant Boi de Llobregat. It's been a joy to be
involved this way into this fantastic fair! So proud!!